Saturday, July 30, 2016

GeoTag your Tree ... Sean Hide

'If you have a baobab seed in your hand you have the power to influence the earth for 2000 years," says Sean Hide on the iStart2 Show.

"Planting a million trees is my goal. We have distreebuted 500 000 seeds to date. Have your tree geotagged and one day you can see your tree on google earth."

Sean Hide leads his team at the GROW GROUP and they encourage growth in trees, in people and society. Their million-tree campaign will have your tree geotagged for future research on growth and distribution. They make hand made products that are convenient innovations. Encouraging you to grow a tree from a seed, benefiting yourself and the environment. A guaranTREE comes with each one ensuring a tree will be grown.

"We are responsible for creating a better earth. Let us inspire children to improve our environment, for it is their future. Plant a seed, Sponsor a forest or give a tree. Let us all grow together," is Sean's message to the people of South Africa. 

Podcast of the iStart2 Show with Sean Hide, our Sustainability Hero of the Week:

Thought of the Day:

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